Are you someone who would like to use an electric motor machine but doesn’t know which motor brakes to choose from? Have no fear because we are here to answer all of your questions about electric motor brakes.
Motor brakes are crucial elements to have present when using any electric motor machine, so it is best to know how to spot the difference between dc motor brakes and ac motor brakes.
Are you interested in learning more? If so, then keep reading to find out how to decipher the distinctions of a dc motor brake vs. an ac motor brake!
The DC Motor Brake
The dc motor brake functions on a direct current which is a different current from an ac motor brake. Manufacturing and industrial companies commonly use it due to its quality of being a high powered machine.
This motor brake uses a revolving armature that turns around a permanent magnet. The two divisions of this motor brake are brushless and brushed.
The brushed motor comes with a spinning rotor, an axle, and brushes. The electrical charges of the brushes dictate the speed and control of the motor.
The brushless motor controls effectiveness by using magnets around the rotor. The wiring is built to control the speed and direction.
Even though the dc motor brake requires more power to startup, it is much easier to install than an ac motor brake.
DC motor brakes can also be expensive to repair or replace.
These types of motor brakes are present in many industrial settings including the food industry, agriculture, and scientific labs.DC motor brakes are also perfect for elevators, vacuums, and conveyor belts.
The AC Motor Brake
AC motor brakes run on an alternating current which has a magnetic force and configures through coils that wrap around a center core.
There are two different subcategories of ac motors. The first one is an induction motor and the second is a synchronous motor.
The induction motor includes wound stator coils and a rotor. This motor uses the concept of electromagnetic induction. The induction motor can help you with any project from woodchipping to sawing and milling.
The synchronous motor comes with slip rings for the capability to spin at a quicker rate.
The ac motor brake uses more of a silent power source that doesn’t require much power to startup either. It has the functional capability to be completely flexible when using it in different phases. This motor brake comes in all various sizes and because of this many industries use it.
The Importance of Knowing the Difference Between AC Motor Brakes Vs. DC Motor Brakes
Before choosing from ac motor brakes or dc motor brakes, make sure you take into consideration what the environment is that you’re working in. Different places have various sanctions on which motor brakes you can and cannot use, so be sure to do your research!
This information will guide you in seeking the differences between the two motor brakes, and help you decide which is the best option for you!
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